Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use

    • Welcome to Genrosys By accessing the genrosys.com website or using genrosys Mobile App, you represent and warrant that you are 18 or older, and you agree acknowledge to be bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms, please do not access the Site or use the Services. genrosys.com reserves the right to change these Terms at any time. We recommend that you periodically check this site for changes.


    • This Mobile Application and WebSite is intended solely for users who are eighteen (18) years of age or older. Any registration by, use of or access to the Site by anyone under 18 is unauthorised, unlicensed and in violation of these Terms of Use.


    • genrosys.com grants you a limited license to access the Site and use genrosys.com Mobile App in accordance with these Terms and the instructions and guidelines posted on the Site. genrosys.com reserves the rights to terminate your license to use the Site and Services at any time and for any reason or in the future charge for commercial usage.


    • You are solely responsible for your use of the Site and Services. Because genrosys.com merely serves as a repository of information, user-posted content does not represent the advice, views, opinions or beliefs of genrosys.com, and genrosys.com makes no claim of accuracy of any user-posted material.


  • genrosys.com provides the site and services “as is” and without any warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory. genrosys.com specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, information accuracy, integration, interoperability.
    You understand and agree that we do not guarantee the accuracy or legitimacy of any listing, posting, information by other users.
    You understand and agree that you use the site and services at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages that arise from such use.
    Under no circumstances shall genrosys.com be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any kind, or any other damages whatsoever (however arising, including by negligence), including without limitation, damages related to use, misuse, reliance on, inability to use and interruption, suspension, or termination of the site or services, damages incurred through any links provided on the site and the nonperformance and damages resulting from loss of use, sales, data, goodwill or profits, whether or not genrosys.com has been advised of such possibility. Your only right with respect to any dissatisfaction with this site or services or with genrosys.com shall be to terminate use of this site and services.