Interactive Voice Response, commonly abbreviated to IVR, is an automated telephony system that is programmed to interact with its callers, collect information and then route the call to the appropriate receiving party. An IVR system (IVRS) accepts a combination of voice telephone input and touch-tone keypad selection and provides appropriate responses in the form of voice, fax, call-back, e-mail and perhaps other media.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services can be highly utilized in call center agencies to improve customer response rate and gathering surveys.
Missed Call Services
Your customer is just a missed call Away. Do not miss out any lead. Get your customers connected make them subscribe you helps in surveys, voting and campaigning. For getting feedback.
Toll-Free Services
We are rendering the premium quality Toll Free Number Service. It provides Positive Branding to any organisation.
Bulk Voice calls
Send out mass calls to a pre-defined database of numbers to reach your target market at once.

Send, Receive, Track and Analyze messages.
Get a customer friendly message answering services that would be available to your customer 24/7 and tailored to meet your specific business needs.
Data Services
We offer Data based services that helps connect online user such as games, online videos and all Value-added services that uses data to engage users online. It is a web delivered service offered by vendors who perform such functions on data.

Thousands of games.
A million gamers.
The games have begun.
Access to endless games in all categories